Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Four Down,Two To Go!

What a lovely evening I've had,I went to my usual fortnightly scrapbooking class and ended up not only completing a layout but also had a little play with the lovely Karen's Copics,yes I know I've said it before but I LOVE COPICS!!! I'm just a little bit obsessed with them,the more I play with them,the more I want to play,there are just so many things that you discover just by playing!! (Sorry,I know I go on,they just get me that way)
Any way,I'm not here to sell Copics,though I think I could but to show you another of the thank you cards. I'm not fed up with colouring this Gorjuss image yet,hope you're not fed up with keep seeing my creations using them,I've only 2 more to show you after today and I promise to leave it a while before I use it again on here.

I've used this card for a couple of challenges:-
CPS 175,sketch challenge,
Speedy The Cat's challenge 11,Punch it,

For Fun Challenges,colour your image,
Thanks for dropping by,


  1. Another lovely card Julie.Beautifully coloured and the hair looks great with the highlight on the fringe. x

  2. Beautiful! You use your Copics very well! Thanks for joining us at Speedy's Friends.

  3. Adorable card! Great coloring and highlights. Thanks for joining us at For Fun this week.
    "Hugs" Carol

  4. Wonderful coloring! Thanks for playing with Speedy's Friends!

  5. Beautiful card. Im so glad you decided to share with us this week at For Fun!

  6. A gorgeous card Julie, your colouring looks fabulous.
    Hugs Emma
    PS I have a £10 voucher giveaway on my blog if you would like to pop over and enter.

  7. Very cute card!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) Thank you so much for your prayers, they mean allot to us!!

  8. Beautiful card, Julie. Great job on the colouring. Thanks so much for joining us at For Fun Challenge this week.
    Amelia x

  9. Darling card. I love the coloring - those striped leggings are great! Thanks for sharing with us at For Fun Challenges

  10. This is so adorable!! Love the coloring and layout.
    Thanks for sharing with us and for playing in Speedy's Friends challenge this week!

  11. Adorable card! Thanks for playing along with us at FFC!


Thank you for taking the time to comment,you've made my day! Julie.x