Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Southern Girls Challenge 12

It's a colour challenge this time with the Southern Girls "Blue and Chocolate". One of this challenge sponsors is a favourite of mine,"Meljen" so how could I resist using one of her lovely images,Kitty Cat Love. The other sponsors are Scrapbox and Joanna Sheen,how great is that.

I'm using this card for the following challenges:-

Spoonful Of Sugar 138,See some love,

Scrap Creations,Animal antics

Bunny Zoes 8,Love is in the air,

Stamp With Fun 97,Love,

Crafty Hos 2/6, Love,

Crafty Pad107,Love,

Creative Cowgirls 6,Love is in the air,

I Did It Creations 41,Love.

Hope you join in with the challenge,please scroll down for my earlier post today,

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. THis is so sweet! I may even have this stamp.....hmmm... better be checking my files! Such a lovely card, Julie!

  2. Cute card! I love the cats! Thanks for sharing! :) Blessings!

  3. So cute! I adore blue and chocolate together!

    Sue xx

  4. Love the image & your beautiful card. Jx

  5. Ahhhh.... how sweet. Great use of challenge colors! Reminds me of Lady and the Tramp...except for the whole wrong species thing...
    Was just debating if I wanted to play Word Fu on my iPad or start a card...You just inspired me to go with the card idea. Thank you.

  6. Oooh, I love this hun! And I want that stamp, gimme, now! Hugs, Sxx

  7. Ahhh such sweet couple!
    Love how you colored the cats, but also around the cats! Very beautiful!
    Thanks for playing along at creative cowgirls challenge,

  8. I love Meljen's images too! Your card is lovely, I am so pleased you shared it with us at The Crafty Pad this week. Hugs, Ali x

  9. Ahhh, This is so sweet. Those Kitty's all framed out like this looks wonderful.. Hope you are having a happy day my friend!

    Hugs, Linda

  10. How gorgeous. you've made some real sweetie pie cards lately. I love Meljens too. xx

  11. Such a wonderful and super cute card :)
    I love the image :)

    Thank you for joining us at IDIC this week.

    Hugs Gurkiss

  12. Beautifully coloured image, and it is shown off perfectly by the simple layout:D Thank you for joining in at Creative Cowgirls XXX

  13. Wow! Fab creation!

    Thank you for joining us at The Crafty Pad @ Please come back on Sunday for another brilliant challenge! :)


  14. Thank you so much for joining us for our latest I did It Creations Challenge Blog! I love your card, it is just great. We hope you will join us for our challenge this week

  15. What a simple,clean,gorgeous,card.
    I was wandering around and found your blog. Have become a follower and I love your work.
    Luv CHRISSYxx


Thank you for taking the time to comment,you've made my day! Julie.x