Sunday, 19 June 2011

I've Been Doing The Happy Dance

 Want to know why???? It's because next weekend we take delivery of a summer house,not just any old summer house but one destined to be my "Craft  Cabin" So this weekend we have been busy clearing the spot in the garden where it is to go. The skip was delivered on Friday and since then we have had a ridiculous amount of rain, we couldn't give in to it so have been soaked to the skin on numerous occasions. This evening we ache all over and I really don't feel like tackling the ironing,unfortunately it has to be done :( 
So I've nothing exciting to share in the way of crafty creations tonight,instead I just have a quick card made last Friday, (I plan to make a few simple cards to take to the retirement home where my Aunt lives to be sold at the fete to raise funds.)

 I'm using this card for the following challenges:-
Fairy Knoll,Sparkle,
CES41, Lots of sparkly Flowers,
Crafts for Eternity,Embellishment recipe,R,(rhinestones).
Thanks for stopping by,


  1. How exciting Julie, to have your own craft cabin - no more putting everything away when you finish crafting! When's the moving in party? :D
    Jeannie x

  2. Oh make sure you take lots of pictures and post them!

  3. Lucky you, how exciting! Lovely card. Ger x.

  4. Looking forward to the "craft in" at the cabin. How exciting!!! - cool card by the way...

  5. gorgeous card julie.fab sparkly flowers and i love the cas design.
    ooooo a crafty cabin, bet you can`t wait.:D

    xx coops xx

  6. You lucky gal you!! I am so excited for you.. I can't wait to see photos of it.. There will be photos right... Another wonderful card..

    Hugs, Linda

  7. Oh how exciting, hope you show us pics when its all sorted. Love your card, not simple at all! Thanks for joining us at C4E this week.

  8. Very pretty card Julie and I love that dp.

  9. I am soooo jealous Julie! Can't wait to see the piccies!

    Lovely card - great DPs!

  10. Love your simple card! Congratulations on your new crafty place! Thank you so much for joining us at Fairy Knoll! Smiles ~ Brandi

  11. Beautiful card, Julie - lovely elegant design! Thanks for joining in our challenge at CES this week! Juliexx

  12. aww such a gorgeous card , thank you for joining our sparkly flower challenge at CES.
    Hugs Kaylou xx

  13. This is so sweet! How kind of you to donate your lovely cards.
    Keep us all posted on your cozy craft cabin!


Thank you for taking the time to comment,you've made my day! Julie.x