Sunday, 10 June 2012

Got The Coffee Covered

 A plea from my lovely sister-in-law to teach her to crochet got me searching for my hooks where I found a project I started last year. Anyway, between me guiding her through a few stitches which I might add, she grasped brilliantly, I finished off my pot cover. 

What do you think, I originally made it to fit a baked bean tin, my husband thought I'd gone quite mad when I placed it over a full tin to try it for size and told him I was going to do the same for the tinned spaghetti lol!  Anyway, I remembered I'd thrown a coffee tin earlier and although a little narrower it still fits fine.

I have no pattern to share, it was out of my head though I have seen similar designs for the flower here.

I'm using my creation for the following challenges:-
Inspire Me Friday 62, Anything goes,
MAWTT, Anything but a card,
Creatalicious 34, Top line Bingo,
RRR49, Flowers and ribbon,
Recycle,Repurpose,Re invent,Recycle,metal,anything goes.

Thanks for stopping by,
Have a good week,


  1. This is cool!!!!

    Luv Jane XX

  2. Wow! this is fab Julie!! I love the colours and design! it's a great idea to jazz up a tin or jar!
    Thanks for joining us at MAWTT and Good Luck in the Challenge!
    Big Hugs
    Sue xx

  3. Morning sweetie this is really good, I would love to be able to crochet hugs pops x

  4. This looks wonderful my talented friend. I have been crocheting on a baby blanket for ever.. One of these years I will finish it. LOL..


  5. wow i love it ..especially as its recycled.. so pretty
    Thanks for joining us at MAWTT this week for anything but a card
    Lisa x

  6. Hi Julie

    Wow, this looks beautiful!! I have always wanted to learn to crochet.

    Unfortunately, as no paper was used to create this project it is not a valid entry in the Make It Monday linky party.


    Michelle :o)

  7. Love recycling things and this is adorable! I crochet too, so I really like this. Thank you for joining in our Flowers and Ribbon Challenge at Really Reasonable Ribbon! Hope to see you in our next challenge on the 15th!

  8. Lovely piece,great metal recycling I drink that type of coffee too. so thank you for the inspiration.
    Thanks for joining us at Re-cycle,Re-purpose,Re-invent. please come back again

  9. What a wonderful way to recycle your cans! The flower you added is so pretty! So glad you linked up at Recycle, Re-Purpose & Re-Invent!

  10. Great project and I adore your flower and talent to crochet! I've tried and failed so I just give my crochet stuff to my mum to do :$ Thanks for playing this week at MAWTT :)

  11. Great idea Julie - Next time you do crochet lessons can I come too please???? :)

  12. Great idea! Love it! Thanks for playing along with us at Really Reasonable Ribbon!

  13. Julie, Our husbands always think we're strange when we do something like this, but oh how very inventive you are and such a great way to recycle tin cans. This is a great project. Thank you for sharing this with us on Recycle, Re-Purpose & Re-Invent.
    :) Chris / CS Designs


Thank you for taking the time to comment,you've made my day! Julie.x